quickly ignites
fueled by quarried mem’ries.
Queasy with fear, querulous, they
squirm with qualm beneath weight of status quo
finding themselves in quandary:
continue healing quest
or quell inner
I am in the process of some very personal and difficult work encompassing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of my life. As I am changing, relationship dynamics cannot help but change as well, be it with family or friends. Sometimes, when things appear particularly difficult, I think it would be so simple, so easy to just go back to "how I was" or "how it was". But I know I cannot. For I have had glimpses of the fruit of this labor. Even though this work is hard and fraught with fear, as long as I continue to grab the hand of God, allowing His will to be done, the healing will come. This poem is how doubt, ever cunning, can creep in stirring internal anxiety.
QUITE the poem....
Read the book "Who Took My Cheese" (can't remember the author...) but it's a good one to read during life's many changes...
I love your poem. I, too, am in the midst of change...it seems almost constant at this time in my life (mid-going-to-late 30's) and I have heard it's only just beginning (ack!)
Thanks for your lovely post.
The only time change is not a part of our life is when we are dead. So in light of that I would think change is a wonderful thing. Good luck with all of the goodness it will bring.
I thought the poem was wonderful, and then I read your explanation, which gave it another whole layer of meaning. I wish you well on your healing work.
hey keep pressing polly...and healing...there is another side of it...
You are amazing...doing all of that with a Q! Praying that in whatever you are going through, you will experience God's peace and come out the other end healed, stronger, and released from any of the pressure you're feeling right now!
Polly, I think you already know how I feel about your poem, and about your situation. Stay strong, sister. You're on the right course.
Beautiful poem!
Continue to "grab the hand of God" and follow his will and you can't go wrong.
Here's to holding on and healing. Here's to quelling the querulous quandaries.
I so appreciate the vulnerability with which you write. I hope healing and peace comes soon.
We're all rooting for you, queen of quo.. qui.. quirky dreams!
The poem expressed a strong feeling to me, even before I read your explanation.
You're so strong in spirit, and I hope everything turns out in your favor!
That's a skillful poem of Q words, made extra precious by your willingness to share your vulnerability. Wishing you strength to keep growing and to discard what no longer fits the new you.
Great poem, stick with your program, healing will most assuredly be the result!
I think we all have to go through these changes periodically in order to remain authentic and not be over-influenced by the demands of the world around us.
Your poem resonated with me. Stick to your guns. When I'm in "change mode," (or maybe recalibration mode might be a better way to put it), I just try to be as loving and understanding of the people my process unsettles as I can.
I read that poem several times and I also read your explanation a couple of times. I am praying for your quest of healing. I am praying for you to succeed...which can only be accomplished by taking the hand of God....so keep reaching.
Quite touching entry.
Best wishes,
I certainly can't quarrel about this being a dandy "Q" post.
Here's your treat, Polly:
All the best as you go through these changes! Transitions are seldom easy!
Hi Polly, Sending love and a pray as you work though things.
xo jj
Polly, what a perfect stop for our journey through "Q".
I always love coming here...your talent and creativity make me smile.
Thank you for participating.
Hang on tight to the hand of God and you'll make it through to where you need/want to go.
Not everyone is brave enough to make change - hang in there!
Great use of Q! I hope everything works out okay!
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