Saturday, January 3, 2009

Guess Who is Coming to Dinner?

Our family has adopted a seminarian. What this means is that we pray for, encourage and send care packages to a young man in seminary school. This man will eventually become a priest for our diocese. Our seminarian is home on Christmas break. We are so very excited that he has graciously accepted our invitation to have dinner with us. We will finally get to meet and know this delightful young man whom I've already come to love through my daily prayers and devotions. Question is, what to serve? Unfortunately, my signature Easy Shrimp in Basil Cream Sauce is out as the poor kid doesn't care for seafood. Mr. Sister is averse to all things beef or pork. I'm thinking either a Greek Chicken dish utilizing my "famous" tzatziki sauce and homemade pitas or Pioneer Woman's Crash Hot Potatoes. Maybe my Spinach and Chicken Enchiladas with a side salad based on my cucumber salsa and a black bean salad would be a better idea? Hmmmmm, decisions! If you all have any ideas, please feel free to leave your suggestions in my comment box. Have a wonderful Sunday!

This vocations poster was the brainchild of Father Jonathan Meyer, associate director of youth and young adult ministry for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. The poster, which is modeled after an advertisement for the movie "The Matrix," was designed by Missy Scarlet, a graphic designer and friend of Father Meyer.

Recipe links:

Greek Chicken:

Greek Chicken (#2):

Crash Potatoes:

Pita Bread:

Easy Greek Tzatziki:


Tomato Salad:

Black Bean Side:


thrasherswife said...

What did you end up making for dinner? It all sounded soooo good, I wanted to come too!

Unknown said...

Hey, you're welcome to join us! I'm going Greek. That is what my family talked me into and it's what I do best. Dinner is Thursday at 6.

thrasherswife said...

Yummmmm.... set a place for me!! :)


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