Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Certain Photo...

It was the photo of shame. My family vacationed in Jamaica this past summer and my daughter took a photo of me in all my "flabulous" glory. I was horrified. I did not think I was the least bit overweight but photos don't lie, right? But this photo...so unflattering as it was...was the the impetus to get me off my butt and to try to get back in shape.

Fortunately, I've enjoyed running in the past so I figured that was the quickest and fastest way to get in shape. It was the end of June and we had the Turkey Trot coming on Thanksgiving (a family tradition) 5 months away. My initial goal was to get in shape to run the "trot" in a decent time, preferrably under 30 minutes. Thanks to a good training regimen and the advice from my husband (former triathelete) and of the creator of the blog: Muddy Runner (http://muddyrunner.blogspot.com/ ) I am ready and have a pretty good chance of achieving that goal. In addition, I've lost a goodly amount of the "flab" in the process.

This year's race will be extra special as my 10 year old son will be running with his dad and I for the 1st time! Gotta love a kid with a healthy mindset!

1 comment:

c said...

All the best tomorrow! Way to go on getting up and moving!


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