Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Whining Woman

I was going to post a whiny blog about how hard it has been to keep on schedule when my whole routine has been disrupted by Mr. Sister being under foot because he is currently "between jobs"...

about how we are paying more for less at the grocery store, gas pump, etc...

about how hard it has been to recover from the 12 hour night shift I pulled this past Saturday night...

about how I have not had access to my laptop for the past 24 hours due to some major viral attack...

about how difficult it is to find space for enrichment classes for our homeschool group...

But a funny thing about can turn things around and gain a whole new perspective.

I am very thankful because my husband, after only one week of unemployment, was able to secure a contract with a major financial institution despite the high unemployment rate in his field of expertise.

I am very thankful that we are still able to afford groceries and gas despite the downturn in today's economy.

I am very thankful that I have a job in which I can rely upon when times are tough.

I am very thankful that I have a husband who is willing to work fixing my laptop despite the fact that he has other things he'd rather be doing.

I am very thankful that we live in a society where we still have the choice to determine the best educational avenue for our children (unlike Germany where parents are being jailed for homeschooling and families being torn apart).

All in all, we are very blessed indeed.

PS: I won't be posting until next week due to extra curricular activities making it difficult to be on-line. I will miss you and hope to have stories to regal you all with upon my return to the blogosphere.


Lissaloo said...

You always have such a great attitude, it's always a joy to read your posts. Hope you have a wonderful week and weekend! =)

Willoughby said...

That's a wonderful perspective to have. I'm going to miss your blog until you get back!!

Gracey said...

You are anything but a whiny person - try patient, mature and wise instead. You always set a great example for us.

Have fun, and get back soon! We will miss you!

the domestic mama said...

You are a very wonderful person. :)


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